GHA Mission:
- To collect, preserve, and interpret historical records of human activity in the Town of Genoa;
- To assist in the preservation of physical structures deemed to be of historical significance;
- To establish, operate and maintain a museum;
- To plan and implement celebrations of historical significance; and
- To publish information consistent with the above purposes.
Learn more about Membership, and connect with us to express interest in joining a committee or volunteering on one of our projects. Help us to make sure that our history does not just fade away…….
The Genoa Historical Association was formed in 1987 with the purpose of preserving the history of the Town of Genoa (formed as the Town of Milton in 1789). Originally granted a provisional charter in September 1987, in 2000, the GHA was granted an absolute charter, with an amended name and mission to include the educational work of the Rural Life Museum. The dedication of previous trustees and community members to achieve this shall continue to inspire current and future trustees and community members. Join us to learn about and document our community’s history.
In 1989 a one room schoolhouse was renovated and moved to the current site of the Rural Life Museum, home to the Genoa Historical Association. The facility currently houses a meeting room, records and research room, informational one room schoolhouse, 1810 threshing barn and a replica outhouse constructed by local members.
Since its inception, the museum has provided opportunities for elementary, middle school and high school student tours and research. Group tours, genealogy research, historical presenters, speakers on topics of local interests, authors, musicians and artists are regular activities. Memory chats of local areas and businesses are popular programs for the older residents as are boat tours on Cayuga Lake that focus on the past, present and future preservation of the lake. Contact us if you have an idea for a workshop or event of interest.
Our museum collections and historical documents represent Genoa and the surrounding communities as well as central New York State rural life. The Genoa Historical Association, through our Town Historian, maintains contact with other Cayuga County Historians through the History Coalition of Cayuga County (H3C) and works to cooperatively join forces to bring history to the area on a county level. In addition to efforts to make our historical records available online, we will continue to provide links to other external sources of historical importance to the Town of Genoa and our surrounding communities.